Contributing to Society
Our corporate and social responsibility practices are actively implemented where we operate. Andino seeks to help the environment in which it develops, thus achieving a perfect and positive symbiosis among our people, our clients and the community.

Casa Amiga Program
Operación Sonrisa
Instituto Gastronómico
Sembrando Juntos
Aprender para Crecer
Airport Environmental Management
To promote Ayacucho Region’s crafts and talents, AAP held the UNKO Crafts Fair and Contest with the support of the Huamanga Provincial Municipality and the Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism. UNKO winners were awarded, and their works were exhibited at Ayacucho’s airport.
Casa Amiga Program
Multitainer donated 3 shipping container modules specifically remodeled for the Casa Amiga Program, with the support of Carabayllo District’s Municipality and the Peruvian Congress. This initiative was led by the Women’s and Human Development Area and benefitted more than 100 people in Lomas de Carabayllo. These modules now receive people who have suffered from domestic and sexual violence, and are given psychological counseling to encourage their well-being.
Operación Sonrisa
In alliance with the association Operación Sonrisa, ANDINO sponsored eight campaigns for children between 1 and 6 years old who suffered from cleft lip and palate. In 2015, repair surgery was carried out in the provinces of Callao, Lima, Arequipa, Puno, Piura, and Cusco. Thanks to ANDINO’s and other sponsors’ support, approximately 360 children have undergone surgical repair and more than 2,400 families have been aided.
Instituto Gastronómico
Multitainer S.A. donated a refurbished container to the Gastronomic Institute founded by Chef Gastón Acurio in Pachacutec. Thanks to the support of both institutions, it is possible for disadvantaged young people to enjoy first-class education. Also, Pachacutec’s living conditions have improved thanks to this implementation, which included the installation of electrical points, paved accesses, among other developments.
Sembrando Juntos
In 2014 several ANDINO companies worked together for the construction and development of a nursery school in Pachacutec. Four shipping containers were remodeled and donated to the community to be used as a library, administrative area and play and learning rooms for children. More than a hundred students, families and the community as a whole have benefited from this contribution.
Aprender para Crecer
ANDINO sponsored the socio-educational project Aprender para Crecer (Learning for Growth), which aimed to improve teacher performance in mathematics and communications, as well as the learning abilities of elementary school children. The project, which lasted 3 years, benefited more than 1,600 children and 50 teachers from six public schools in Callao, an area within ANDINO’s direct influence.
Airport Environmental Management
Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú (AAP, or Andean Airports of Peru) created a program for weighing solid waste and separating reusable waste. In addition, a sanitary area was built at the Juliaca Airport for the proper storage of solid waste and training was provided to all AAP staff and contractors on solid waste management. Moreover, meetings of the Fauna, Facilitation, Safety and Emergency Committees were held in Puerto Maldonado and Juliaca with the participation of regional and local authorities.
In ANDINO, we strive for a business model where all our stakeholders are considered in the decision-making process. This goal is one of the general principles of our Corporate Conduct Code and is part of the organizational ethics that we try to integrate in all our decisions.
The people who work in our companies are Andino’s most valuable asset and because the corporation has many collaborators, due to the different areas we operate, this has led us to implement a work culture of diversity management from a cultural, social, and economic point-of-view. Each interest group holds a wide range of expectations, which we must take into account when we shape our policies and values.
In this sense, we have focused our efforts on five major aspects:
- Training and Development
- Compensation and Performance Program
- Wellness Programs
- Internal Communication
- Corporate Occupational Safety and Health Program
Regarding social well-being, we carry out activities that contribute to health check-ups and awareness, to community bonding, and to the improvement of motivation at work, such as:
- Preventive health campaigns
- Cancer prevention information
- The celebration of special dates such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, or company anniversaries
- Annual corporate party for all of ANDINO’s workers in Lima and other provinces.
ANDINO pursues a balance between its operations and the places where its work thrives, thus allowing business and social growth, as well as environmental protection.
Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú – AAP (Andean Airports of Peru)
To promote Ayacucho Region’s crafts and talents, AAP held the UNKO Crafts Fair and Competition with the support of the Huamanga Provincial Municipality and the Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism. UNKO winners were awarded and their works were exhibited at Ayacucho’s airport.
In terms of environmental management, AAP has created a program for weighing solid waste and separating reusable waste. In addition, a sanitary area was built at the Juliaca Airport for the proper storage of solid waste and training was provided to all AAP staff and contractors on solid waste management. Moreover, meetings of the Fauna, Facilitation, Safety and Emergency Committees were held in Puerto Maldonado and Juliaca with the participation of regional and local authorities.
ANDINO maintains a constant relationship with its shareholders by disseminating information, making visits to the corporation’s main companies and absolving any concerns that they may have about business results. To make this possible, ANDINO has a management area that has been entrusted with these functions and that is in permanent contact with our shareholders.
Our policy regarding suppliers is clearly stated in our Conduct Code. ANDINO will not hire a supplier that violates legal standards, including labor, occupational health and safety, and environmental standards. In general, the company will refrain from having business relationships with suppliers of questionable reputation. On the other hand, the company will keep special consideration to those suppliers that share the values expressed in our Conduct Code and have incorporated social responsibility as a management model.
In accordance with our Conduct Code, we practice a clear management style with our clients: illegal practices for obtaining personal or commercial advantages are strictly forbidden and subject to penalties; if applicable, legal sanctions.
Likewise, and following what is established in our Conduct Code, we make sure that there is a work environment that strictly respects human rights, thus avoiding any type of discrimination, exclusion, harassment and act that affects the dignity of people, ensuring the desired treatment with clients.
Our companies have executive representatives assigned specifically to each client, to promote personalized treatment and to wholly attend their requests, doubts and concerns. We care about training our commercial area staff in customer service to provide the attention that will make our clients loyal to our companies.